Harlem – News

Harlem – News June 18, 2012

See Harlem Weather

New York of 2012 predicted by Mayor Robert F Wagner 50 years ago
New York of 2012 predicted by Mayor Robert F Wagner 50 years ago (Daily Mail)
It was an age of American optimism and New York was the inspiring centrepiece of a nation thought to have a boundless potential for future creativity and economic growth.
Thousands March Down Fifth Avenue in Silence in Protest of Police Brutality on Father’s Day (The Village Voice)
A mother stands with her 16-year-old son and a year old photo of his beatings from the Atlantic City PD As thousands of protestors marched, in silence, down Fifth Avenue yesterday, it was a strange thing indeed to hear so many New Yorkers not speaking, yelling or blaring music, but to just simply hear birds chirping on a beautiful, late Spring … (more)

March in New York against police ‘stop and frisk’ tactics (Yahoo!)
Thousands of people marched in silence in New York to protest against street checks by police that rights activists say disproportionately target blacks and Hispanics.

Marchers protest NYPD’s stop-and-frisk tactics (The Republic)
The quiet was interrupted only by the tapping of feet on the pavement and birds chirping as protesters strode along Central Park from Harlem to Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s town house on the Upper East Side.
